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Forma™ 310 Direct Heat CO2 Incubators

Preserve floor space with stackable Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ 310 Direct-Heat CO2 Incubators, which combine high capacity and an easy-to-use design.

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Detailed introduction

Direct heat chamber

·         The 184L  (6.5 cu. ft.) high-capacity chamber is designed to provide maximum culturing space and the ideal environment for basic cell culture incubation

·         Standard right hand door swing, field-installed reversible door available

·         Polished stainless steel interior chamber is designed with coved corners to simplify cleaning

·         Removable humidity pan

·         In-chamber fan gently distributes air throughout the chamber ensuring homogeneous conditions

·         Sturdy stainless steel shelves and supports can be removed without tools

Optional in-chamber HEPA filter airflow system

·         In-chamber HEPA air filtration continuously filters entire chamber volume every 60 seconds 

In situ sensors and probes designed for precise monitoring                    

·         Choice of  TC (thermal conductivity) CO2 sensor for long, reliable operation or  IR (infrared) CO2 sensor  for monitoring when humidity and temperature are less predictable

·         Dual temperature probes for over temperature protection

·         Optional rH display for monitoring humidity levels to prevent “dry-outs”

Enviro-Scan microprocessor control

·         Easy-to-use, alphanumeric LED display

·         Flexible, intuitive controls with message center that includes process and alarm status messages

·         Configurable audible on/off, access code, tracking low and high alarms
